Explore common patient questions with answers straight from our pharmacy team.

Ask your medical provider to send us the prescription electronically. We also accept prescriptions by phone or fax.
Once we receive the prescription, we will start processing the order. We’ll contact you if we have any questions. Finally, we’ll set up delivery to your home or another location in Michigan.
You should never worry about going without your medication. That’s why we call five to seven days before your refill is due, to check in and make sure you still need the medication.
If you need a refill sooner or you have fewer than five days until you need your refill, please contact us.
We are currently licensed to ship medications to the following states and are working every day to expand our geographic service areas.
We monitor all medication recalls from the FDA and manufacturers. If your prescription is affected by a recall, we will contact you with instructions from the FDA or manufacturer. Please don’t change your treatment without consulting your care team first.
Call 911 if you experience a life-threatening emergency. If you’re not sure if your symptoms are life-threatening, seek immediate care.
Some side effects may be unpleasant but not life-threatening. Make sure to report all of these issues to your prescribing provider. You can also contact us for help. We can work with your care team to find ways to lessen or stop the side effects of your medication.
If you believe there has been any error with your medication, contact us immediately. Do not throw away your medication unless your care team tells you to do so.
We strive to provide translation services and other communication assistance as needed. If you need language or cultural services, please call us.
You may need to transfer your prescription to another pharmacy if your insurance requires it, you move out of state, we stop carrying your medication or you’re unsatisfied with your care.
If this happens, we will transfer the prescription and let you know when the change is complete.
You may receive a generic version of your prescription, instead of the brand name. This often happens if your insurance will only cover the generic medication or if you’re paying out-of-pocket. Generic medications are often much less expensive.
If you have medication preferences, please let us know.
If a disaster affects your local area, please contact the pharmacy as soon as possible. We’ll work to make sure we can deliver your medication on time, where you need it.
Contact us if you’re having any trouble paying for your medications or navigating your insurance benefits. We can work with you, your insurance and your care providers to find a solution. We can also help you find and apply for cost-saving programs.
On the day we fill your prescription, we will submit a claim for payment to your insurance company. If they accept the claim, we can deliver the medication without any issues. If the insurance company rejects the claim, we will contact you and help you fix the problem.
Your out-of-pocket cost is the portion of the price your insurance doesn’t cover. In other words, it’s what you pay the pharmacy for the medication. Before we ship your prescription, we’ll discuss your out-of-pocket costs with you.
When we ship your medication, we will put your out-of-pocket costs on your U-M Health account. Then, you’ll get a statement in the mail. You may pay your statement by cash, check or credit card.
We can help with financial stress in many ways. First, you’ll have a Patient Financial Coordinator (PFC) dedicated to helping you find ways to pay for specialty medications. Your PFC will look for any cost-saving programs that can help you reduce what you pay for your medication. We also work closely with insurance companies to overcome any obstacles to getting coverage.
Please contact your local waste and trash collection service for instructions on disposing of your medication. You can also follow guidelines from the CDC here: CDC.gov/wtc/prescriptionsafety.html
If your prescription medication is injectable, we will include a sharps container with your delivery. Please put all syringes, needles and other sharp objects (called “sharps”) into this container. This protects you and other people and animals in your home from getting hurt.
If you don’t have a sharps container available, you may put the sharps in any metal or hard plastic container with a secure lid, such as a laundry detergent bottle.
It’s important to properly dispose of your sharps container, ideally by returning them to a designated spot. You can find your local sharps disposal place here: SafeNeedleDisposal.org
We are here to help 24/7, every single day. If you have questions about medication administration, costs or something else, call us. For more information on our hours and when to use the after-hours service, visit the Contact Us page.
Every patient has rights that guard their safety and privacy. You can find the complete list of patient rights on our Patient Rights and Responsibilities page.
As a patient, you’re a vital part of your own care team. As such, you have responsibilities to yourself and the rest of your team. To learn more about your responsibilities, visit our Patient Rights and Responsibilities page.
Coping with a new diagnosis can be difficult. For information about specific diseases, please visit the U-M Health Conditions and Treatments page.
Specialty medications and the conditions they treat can be complicated. We’re here to help you manage your care. If you still have questions, please contact us.